6 Steps to Set Your Money Goals

You want to be strategic with your financial planning as an entrepreneur.

You’re tired of feeling like money comes in and money goes out, without any intentionality. You’re ready to maximize what you’re doing and have your money work for you.

It just feels so overwhelming — where should you start? I get it, and I got you. The first step is to set clear financial goals.

I’m going to take you through 6 steps to set financial goals. These steps will guide you in thinking big-picture to create a vision for yourself, and they’ll help you bring it back into the here and now so you have an actionable focus for today.

Use this free Money Goal Workbook to guide you through the process and receive exercises to put these steps into action.

1. Discover what matters most

Is your money truly aligned with what you want your life and business to look like?

Money can feel like a big SHOULD – ewww how gross is that word?

I’ve found myself getting stuck and setting goals based on what I think I should be doing.

“This is what a responsible adult would do so I should focus on this.”

“I’m supposed to be debt-free so I should just have debt repayment as my #1 goal.”

“My friend just bought this thing. I should go buy that thing.”

We put pressure on ourselves for our finances to look a certain way, without actually taking a step back and thinking about what we want or what’s important to us.


You get to set up your finances however you want. Based on what’s most important to you. It doesn’t matter what your parents think or what society says or what your friends are doing.

It’s your one life and you get to live it however you want and set up your finances so they’re aligned with the life and business you want to create for yourself.


2. Discover Your Core Values

I love using my core values as a guiding compass for my financial decisions.

Have you ever discovered your top 5 core values? You can do that in the Money Goal Workbook.

Mine are family, happiness, freedom, wellness, and growth.

With that knowledge in mind, I can align my money with my values, and so can you!

You can use your values as a guidance system to set your money goals, make financial decisions, and create your plan.

You can gut check yourself – “is this financial decision aligned with my values?”

It feels SO GOOD to be making values-based decisions, as opposed to listening to the “shoulds.”

3. Think Abundantly

This lesson gives you full permission to GO THERE.

Wait, go where? Oh, just the place where all your wildest dreams come true.

Sometimes when goal setting, we set goals based on what we think is realistic for us. We play small and don’t let ourselves dream big. 

Even as visionary entrepreneurs, we can still hold ourselves back from dreaming big, or we let fears hold us back.

Lean into the abundance of the universe and imagine what you would do if you won the lottery, or if you had a magic genie who made all your wishes come true.

4. Focus & Prioritize

Okayyyy sister, you’ve been thinking big picture, yay!

Now it’s time to get practical and bring it back into the here and now.

Cause I know that the big picture can feel overwhelming when it comes to thinking about how to actually start taking action today.

Start by taking your dreams and vision, and turn them into short, mid, and long term goals.

Next, you’ll pick your top 3 goals, in order of importance, with your #1 goal being the thing that is most important to you right now.

My #1 goal is to increase the profit in my business. So that I can take more money out of my business and save for a down payment on a new home. What’s yours?


5. Find your WHY

Can we keep it real for a second here? There may be some times when you’re not feeling super motivated to be working on your finances. You may get into avoidance mode or procrastinate doing the things you know you need to do with your money.

When those times come up, come back to this exercise. Finding your WHY for your money goals allows you to get to the root of what’s really motivating you.

In this exercise, you’ll go through your top 3 money goals, and ask yourself why each goal is important to you. But you won’t just do this once. You’ll ask yourself why multiple times until you can find an answer that feels juicy and exciting to you.

Side note – your WHY will grow and evolve and change as you do. So no pressure to find the “perfect” why right away. Whatever comes up for you, run with it, and you can always come back to this exercise and reevaluate.


6. Quantify Your Goals

Now it’s time to put some dollars and cents to your goals. How much freaking money are you gonna need?!

This used to be challenging for me because if I didn’t hit a goal when I thought I would, I’d feel like a failure and put a lot of pressure on myself.

Now, I’ve learned to separate my value and worth from the numbers. I’m still a badass successful business owner if I don’t hit the exact numbers I want to right away.

I also bring out my affirmations if I don’t hit a goal.

“It’s okay if I didn’t hit this goal, it’s just data telling me what I need to work on.”

“I trust that the money is coming. I just need to keep showing up and serving, and it’ll all work out”

With a new mindset around quantifying my goals, having a number to work towards is super helpful.

It helps inform my strategy, lets me know if I’m on track, and allows me to course correct when things don’t go as planned.

So those are the 6 steps. To get exercises and guidance to put these steps into action, download the free Money Goal Workbook and get clear on your financial goals.


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